Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Watch TV online without a TV Tuner

This article explains you how to view your favourite TV show on the Internet without using a TV Tuner.

Follow these simple and concise steps to set up your PC as a makeshift(!) TV :

1: Download a Internet (P2P) TV Player Software like TVU or SopCast




They work mainly on P2P backbone

2: Install the software... I used TVU which looked like this :


3: Now you can browse for channels in the left pane... If you get the channel you want, just click on it... But if you don't then, go to next step

4: For Sports Channels go to :


There is a huge collection of channels to view... You'll get the match you want if you see the category-wise view on the left.

5: Check out this site for all the categories : : (

6: Click on the channel you'd like to watch and sit back and enjoy the fun...

P.S :

A word before you enjoy, make sure you have a good connection, because the bandwidth requirements are rather HIGH (due to streaming audio-video, of course) nearly 500 kb/s for good viewing.

Also, many of the shows are copyrighted, but you know what P2P is... Probably that's why its so popular... Man can never get enough of all-things-FREE !!!


1 comment:

mackey said...

this is good, but it seems that the site own more tv channels